cool and calm, resonable, etc
ubuntu :) poate, asha cum apare pe aici:
am vazut shi io ce inseamna vb asta
de pe la omul care mai da cu scrisul :)
pe aici
doar ca...
incep sa imi manifest
sa imi redescopar :D
natura cruda sa-i zicem
hmm doar o anumita latura
a naturii insa
atunci cand am de-a face cu hmm :(
genul oameni
(shi ei oameni pana la urma
dar hmm )
shi care, vazand doar latura cool
sau cine stie ce alte (doar) "ozn-uri " ( a se lua acceptie argotica :))
ishi "forteaza norocul" ( a se lua ca o romgleza :D)
prea mult
mai mult decat le shade bine shi e sanatos
pentru ei shi poate pentru altzii
in that respect I'm really not nice :D
on the contrary :D
hmm da :)
well if it wasn't clear for everyone
I never did that :
Selling out I mean
and perhaps to some people(?)
disappointment :D
[perhaps just to begin with :D
to those who, in hiding , at a
(pshaw) |
I saw aroud five or six of those farts ( some hmm people(?) or ... ?:D)
didn't bother to show up and face me :D, hmmrrrr :D[
and my wrath in fact HRRR :D, - not an ad. its very real and still there:D in fact :D]),
well all that shit and the on and on shiting after that,
is to be taken as an insult, a personal one
and perhaps for the real punk-artists as well,
that's my ( unsolicited :D) opinion at least
:| - ad. at some point along the way hmm :( ]
I'm not planing to and I simply won't :D
but if you insist in any manner
you'll be treated as ...
hmm :D
or I'll may even have you for ... dinner :)
that in a "friendly" manner,
on me this time :D
[thou I paradoxically, hmm can't be bothered with that :D
- ad. at hmm , some point :)]
hmm well that should be a side of my "nice" nature :D
the rest is all smiles and roses :)
for all truly sincere people :)]
[ad at 19:47, 2011 ]
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