marți, 12 aprilie 2011

Banc mai vechi asha (cica ) :)

Vizita medicala in  "Legiunea Straina"

Legionarii (straini :))  inshiratzi in linie

doctorul trece intai printre randuri shi-i examineaza din ochi ,
 la un moment dat observa ca unul dintre ei are tatuat
un "SE" pe .....hmm  :)
curios il intreaba ce-i cu tatuajul
omul ii explica:
"e pai vezi dumneata ca atunci cand ...hmm  :)
se vede ca scrie de fapt  :

doctorul: "aha , hmm fain, desteapta chestie"
shi trece mai departe

la un moment dat insa,
il mai observa pe unul
tot cu un "SE"
tatuat pe ....hmm :)
zambeshte, ii face cu ochiul
shi zice:
" ahaaa, :) SUZANNE ....hmm :)"
la care omul de colo:
"a nu, atunci cand ....hmm  :),
se poate vedea ca scrie de fapt:

hmm mda :)

PS: hmm,
(S) - could stand for Snake(s) :) etc :)
'D' - hmm :)
'M' -  for me, myself, hmm some others perhaps ... :)
'V'-  well we know all that :D, but we could change the meaning hmm :)
'D' - definetly dancing, but hmm, could be some more, something else even  :)
'L' - L7 perhaps? hmm :) not sure, anyhow good band, I like them, strong women :), keep on girls :) [you're an inspiration to us all :), for me, especially in one particular respect :) ]
'A' - for .... I don't know, maybe the begining? where it all began ? where life began, hmm  :)
'E'- maybe just for what it is
 please don't confuse this  with Equilibrium

hmm I'll  try to smile now,
very, very,very hard
well, I'll just give it a try
at least

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